Think for yourself – protect your genes
Project description
“Think for yourself – save your genes” project, financed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of Sarajevo Canton, was implemented in 2017 with the aim of preventing the consumption of tobacco and tobacco products, which is considered the most widespread type of addictive behavior among young people. Given that numerous programs and projects for the prevention of various types of addiction are aimed at spreading awareness about the harmful effects of various narcotics and psychoactive substances with little or no reference to the biological mechanisms that lie in understanding the way these substances work, the Association of Geneticists in BiH focused its activities on presentation of objectively measurable markers of the genotoxic effect of tobacco smoke on epithelial cells of the buccal mucosa. The practical-educational approach in the implementation of workshops within the project promotes and applies scientific principles in stimulating young people to actively think about protecting their genetic material, which is one of the prerequisites for a healthy population and generations to come.